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A Few Thoughts from Kimberly Moss

Where Is Your Security Deposit?

Posted by Kimberly D. Moss French | Sep 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

More people are taking remote working opportunities due to the pandemic. With more flexible work options, some people are moving to other parts of the country for a new environment or a better quality of life. During this transition, some of them have become our clients by contacting the firm to find out how to get their security deposit back from a landlord or property manager who appears to have simply kept their money. 

In Texas, a tenant is entitled to an accounting and a release of his or her security deposit within thirty (30) days of moving out of a residential rental property. The Texas Property Code protects tenants from the arbitrary withholding of rental deposits. However, if you are a landlord, you have the right to withhold the deposit to make necessary repairs to the property. The key is that the landlord must justify their expenses in a written accounting provided to the tenant, explaining all amounts withheld from the deposit amount. 

If you've run into this problem, as a landlord or a tenant, we are here to help you. Contact us at 713-574-8626. We can discuss your specific circumstances during a confidential consultation appointment. 

About the Author

Kimberly D. Moss French

The Mosslaw team is Ready to Work for You! Call us at 713-574-8626


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