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A Few Thoughts from Kimberly Moss

The COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Has Ended. What's This Mean for You?

Posted by Kimberly D. Moss | Sep 22, 2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued an order preventing landlords in states with high infection rates from evicting their tenants for several months. As of August 13, 2021, landlords can terminate the leases of tenants who are behind on their rent. Landlords can also pursue judicial evictions from delinquent tenants starting September 12, 2021. 

If you are a landlord trying to secure your property from tenants who are not making rental payments, now is the time to act. You are no longer constrained by the law, and the onus is on you to protect your rights as a property owner. If you are a tenant, be sure your rental payments are current or start looking for a new place to live. 

For more information on this topic, feel free to contact us to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your specific circumstances. We can be reached at 713-574-8626.

About the Author

Kimberly D. Moss

The Mosslaw team is Ready to Work for You! Call us at 713-574-8626


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