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A Few Thoughts from Kimberly Moss

Temporary Orders in Divorce: Setting the Tone for Your Case

Posted by Kimberly D. Moss | Jan 24, 2020 | 0 Comments

Many people involved in the divorce process have never had any contact with the judicial system and have little to no experience with the law. Some cases are simple and resolve themselves within a matter of months; other cases contain complex problems and issues, including child abuse, infidelity, and drug and alcohol influenced behaviors. For this reason, the family courts in Texas have relief available via Temporary Orders. These are the Orders that the Court will enter to give the parties' rules and obligations while the divorce case is pending. These orders can establish child support, spousal support, and possession and access for parents and children.

Unfortunately, parties often have different agendas and goals when the divorce is filed that may change over time as the case goes on. Some jurisdictions, including Fort Bend County, Texas require parents to attend mediation in the event there a child-related disputes before a judge will hear and decide on those issues. The policy behind this is that the Courts want people to try to work out their own problems before the Courts consider the issues and decide for them.

When mom and dad agree to an arrangement for their pending divorce case, they have no way of knowing if the case will settle quickly or if they are in for a custody battle or a dispute over the division of their property. For this reason, it is important for people to take a long view of the divorce process. Once the case is filed and the parties are served, there is a period of time known as discovery where each party discloses their finances, and determine what final arrangements would be in the best interest of their children. This takes time and attorney's fees to accomplish. It is always our goal to reach the outcome that our client desires, and the time we spend advising and counseling our clients is precious. We want each client to be successful, particularly in a scenario as fraught and difficult as divorce. Each case is unique, and there is no cookie cutter solution that will work for each family. Contact our office today so that we can discuss your case and help you navigate this process. We stand ready to serve you and your family.  

About the Author

Kimberly D. Moss

The Mosslaw team is Ready to Work for You! Call us at 713-574-8626


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