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A Few Thoughts from Kimberly Moss

COVID-19: We Are Still Here for You

Posted by Kimberly D. Moss French | Mar 25, 2020 | 0 Comments

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the attorneys and staff at Law Offices of Kimberly D. Moss, PLLC are working remotely from home like many other people. This means we are still available to talk to you about your legal problems; however, we are accepting new clients by phone consultation only in accordance with the public health restrictions put in place by the national, state and local government regulations.

As a result, we are offering the reduced consultation fee of $75.00 for a one hour consultation by phone for all types of legal matters, including probate, estate planning, family law, and civil litigation. This fee includes a phone call scheduled at your convenience where the attorney will review your legal documents or other supporting paperwork if you have it available and send it via email at least thirty (30) minutes before your scheduled phone consultation. Your specific legal questions will be answered during this call, including any questions you may have about strategy, potential solutions, and the estimated cost of pursuing your legal claim. If you are a member of Texas Legal, your legal insurance benefits still cover the cost of your initial consultation, and you have no out-of-pocket expense as your legal insurance provider will pay for your consultations as usual. 

Please note that the local courts in the greater Houston,Texas metropolitan area are closed to the public until April 10, 2020. Unrepresented parties will not be able to go in person to the Clerk's office to file lawsuits or pursue their legal claims. As a result, if you are attempting to file a lawsuit or other legal claim, you will need the assistance of an attorney because all licensed attorneys in the state of Texas still have access to the statewide electronic filing system. 

During this period the Courts are not scheduling in-person hearings, trials, and conferences until after the shelter-in-place and "stay at home" orders have been lifted by the government. Thankfully, the Courts are reviewing some items by submission, which means that judges are currently ruling on legal problems based on the legal documents filed by the attorneys and reviewed by the presiding judge for determination.

Whatever your situation may be, don't hesitate to contact us. We are still here to help you, although we have to adjust to the current public health crisis. Don't go it alone during this uncertain period. Contact a qualified attorney for your legal problems. COVID-19 is not stopping us from pursuing justice for you. 

About the Author

Kimberly D. Moss French

The Mosslaw team is Ready to Work for You! Call us at 713-574-8626


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